The coffee cycle and the Urbanization Process at the São Paulo State
As one can observe in this article, at São Paulo State, the infrastructure of the railroads and the urbanization that comes as consequence are important factors in the formulation of a urban Brazilian thought. The reading of paulista space was created with interfaces on the gradual process of abolition of slavery, on the formulation of the Lei de Terras (The Law of the Lands) and at the economy influenced by the coffee. The gradual slavery abolition generated exceeding capital at the state, which was invested on the structure of transportation and at the opening of new coffee farms. The Lei das Terras    was a tool/ legal trick to, according to Martins (1979), somehow make the slavery last even after its abolition. In other words, the Lei das Terras did not alter the land property, as they still belonged to farmers and businessmen. The coffee economy generated what is called a coffee complex that started and continued a process of urbanization and structuring of the inner state. These factors contributed to a factor that led the process of urbanization under the broad wings of the coffee industry. The analysis elaborated in the present article are based in bibliographical research, reading, analysis and interpretation of books and magazines and such procedure made possible to establish a critical panel about the territorial occupation of São Paulo State.  The territorial planning at São Paulo State preceded the urban planning. The issue presented was not planning the urban but planning the state territorially. So, the process of occupation of São Paulo State was linked to the coffee process and was accomplished through the growing of the agricultural development - where the coffee was quickly followed by many other cultures- and by the creation of urban centers that soon enough became new towns.  

Key-words: urbanization, public policies, São Paulo state, coffee economy, railroads.
The influences of Anhaia Mello and Prestes Maia at the formulation of a paulista urbanistic thought
The present article intends to rank the main influences that Prestes Maia and Anhaia Mello had at the formulation of a paulista urbanistic thought. This way, it will be discussed the main issues raised at the period, which is between the first decades of the  XX Century to the end of the  1950s, trying to foresee how they worked as engineers and architects to incorporate the urbanistic proposals from Europe and the United States. And then, we will present, on the first three sections of this article, the way points of view that effectively impacted the paulista urban thought of the first half of the XX century: Sanitarism, pendular conception between the Mesologic Theory and the Microbian Theory; the Historicist formulation of Camillo Sitte; Howard´s garden-town and the French experience. Our analyses were formulated having as a reference the broad systematization of bibliiography and documents performed at the Arquivo Histórico Municipal (Intermediário) de Araraquara (Historical Municipal Archive from Araraquara), consulations at the the books of the library of the consultas ao acervo da biblioteca da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da USP (USP Architecture and Urbanism College) and at the Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Unesp, Araraquara-SP( College of Sciences and Languages from Unesp, campus Araraquara). The analisys of the performed research show that two urbanistic torrents happened at Sao Paulo State happened with clear influences from the conceptions that led the urbanistic debates in the first half of the XX Century. Although these conceptions compose a painting of urban interventions at São Paulo city and noticeably in some inner cities, previously to the solidification of a whole proposition for the city that was later called of Directive Plan. The incorporation of the conceptions that led the urbanistic debates on the beginning of the XX century stimulated the interventions that reproduced the segregationism in some parts of the city and promoted what is called of spatial exclusion.

Key-words: urban thought, urban planning, democracy, participation, public policies.
Anhaia Mello X Prestes Maia: from the ideas dueling to the formulation of an urbanistic flow
The present article aims to elaborate an objective analytical panel, initially from the  1920-1930 when Luiz Ignácio Romeiro de Anhaia Mello and Prestes Maia, two cathedratic in the urban question, started to quote a series of authors and American plans as references to their reflections, mainly when the point was the verticalization or not at São Paulo City. From a broad bibliographic research with the systematization of the registers from the debates between Anhaia Mello and Prestes Maia, this article intends to point out how the transposition of the urbanistic conceptions to the academic environment happened and, at the same time, the legal normatization of the São Paulo City that resulted in the creation of a draft of the regulations for use and occupation of the soil. The systematizations and analysis were based in a broad reading of the bibliography and documental sources that refer to the proposed theme. The books of the library of FAU-USP, especificaly the one from SAGMACS – Sociedade de Análises Gráficas e Mecanográficas Aplicadas aos Complexos Sociais( Society of Graphical Mechanical-Graphic Analysis Applied to Social Complexes)  -, aiming to select papers and the collection of Anhaia Mello´s family, so that a reconstruction of the intellectual and professional journey of the Urbanism Professor. The systematization of the collected data and posterior comparison with the bibliographical study was fundamental for the reconstruction of the reflections of Anhaia Mello and Prestes Maia about the ways of the urban streets and roads at Sao Paulo City should be lead to on the middle of the XX century having as a guideline the debates between Anhaia Mello and Prestes Maia – very common on the 1950s for less important countries when dealing with the organization of the size of industrial metropolis. It was possible to identify the crystallization of two urbanistic proposals for the city: the first one from Anhaia Mello, that bet on the reversion of the metropolitan cycle by stopping the urban growth by the application of the theoretical conception of the garden city and the second one, by Prestes Maia, more in agreement with theories of development of the 1950, that let the promotion of new demands and dimensions of the existing city to the public power, meaning that they looked for and resolved,  in an economical way, the difficulties that came along with the expansion process of the urban roads.

Key-words: urban thought, urban development, Directive plan, public policies.

 Trajectories of the democratization of the urban policies in Brazil
In this article, the axis of the institutional advances and innovations presented on the Brazilian urban policies Will be analyzed, both in local and Federal context, during the two last decades of the XX century.  To do so, research and biographical analysis was conducted about the theme so that a conceptual discussion about the social and institutional innovations, that present themselves in three dimensions present in the innovation concept. Firstly, the social creative processes that either reafirm or rejject guidelines or even laws or innovative guidelines, the elaboration of interactive channels and the reformulation of ideas and their implication on the core of the social reality.  After that, verifying the institutional advances present on the reinterpretations of democratic theory, especially on the participative and deliberative democracy field. And at last the intersections between the theme questions and the proposals built in the organization of the civil society related to the point in the Field of Law and institutions that indicate an increase on the democratization of public policies. However, the analysis of the independent initiative of criation of spaces for participation in local governments, as occours in Conselhos de Política Urbana (Urban Policies Council) or from Desenvolvimento Urbano (Urban Development) cases, has not revealed a distinct planning logic concerning the technocratic centralizer past. In the last two decades of the XX century there is a conflictuous element exposed in the relation between the elaborative process of the urban public policies and the economical interests that are involved. It was concluded that the participation process, at certain points, present clear characteristics of formal dealing with determinations that compose the political agenda of certain local governments.

Key-words: democracy, participation, urbanism, public policies, directive plan.
The Directive Plan as a possibly useful instrument of the democratic management of the cities

The aim of this article is to redirect the debate to the theme of the democratic management of the cities, which was an important concept that was present on the formulation of the Directive Plans starting from the 1990s, so that afterwards, interpretations that allow differentiation of the managing processes can be produced.  The aim of this action is to demonstrate that planning and management are not interchangeable terms because they have very different temporal referentials and so, they refer to different kinds of activities. Our intention is to elaborate analysis enough to clear the inter relations between these two terms, planning and management, that are essential for the understanding of the methodological processes of elaboration of the Directive Plans from the 1990s on.  The article intends to demonstrate that the self-generation of the social on history and through it would include a spatial dimension, meaning that the multiple and complex links between social relations, (space producers) and the spatiality (that conditionate, in many ways, the social relations). This way, it the intention to focus on the city, the result of social-spatial processes that reflect the complex interaction between the many geographical scales, as a being that cannot be controlled by a State technically controlled by rationalist and technocrats.  Analysis elaborated in the present article are based in bibliographical research, reading, analysis and interpretations of books and magazines in a way that made possible to establish a critic panel about the Directive Plan as an instrument of urban remodeling, as part of a set of strategies that promote the democratization of the process of making decisions at the formulation of the urban public policies. Hence, the procedure of analysis of the elaboration of a Directive Plan of Araraquara identified the largest challenge of planning as the join management and participative democratic methodologies. The technical, specialized and bureaucratic characteristic of the State imposes instruments of public policy formulation to the society that compromise the social-spatial development and the individual autonomy.   

Key-words: democracy, participation, urbanism, public policies, directive plan.
Democratic theories facing the new rules of society organization and the relationship between the State and the Society

This article is about the democratic theoretical conceptions reformulated in face of the new social rules in which actors showed up claiming repressed social repressed from the second half of the XX century. The democratic conception called hegemonic – known for understanding democracy as a mechanism of the improvement of human connivance – got in conflict with a new social ruling that looked for the common well through the articulation of social innovation with institutional innovation with the looking for a new institutionalism of democracy. For so, in this article an approach of the main contributions of the dimensions of the conception of democracy in two main axes. Firstly we produced analysis based in a group of authors that conceived the hegemonic theory of democracy: MacPherson (1966); Kelsen (1929); Schumpeter (1995); Bobbio (1986); Weber (1963); Dahl (1998); Manin (1997); Mills (1977) and Lipjart (1984), among others. In a second moment, we approached the non-hegemonic conception of democracy, meaning a kind of democracy that was pressed by a new social ruling that imposed a new kind of society and of the relationship between the state and the different society in the past.  As a result, we present that the institutional innovations that came from a process of institutionalism of democracy have built a participative and inclusive ideal of social groups that so far were apart from the decision process in politics. In this way, the conception of participation and of political inclusion has formatted a whole new calendar of social transformations focused on the building of participative mechanisms on the construction of a new normalization. The political deciding process started to be modeled by the centers of power that, through competition and idea conflicts insert on the state norm its private norm.

Key-words: democracy, participation, State and Government, democratic theories, decision making process.

Rodrigo Alberto Toledo
Doutorando em Sociologia com período sanduíche na Universidade de Salamanca, USAL, Instituto Iberoamerica e Centro de Estudos Brasileiros, tendo como objeto de pesquisa o processo de planejamento urbano da cidade de Araraquara e sua relação com a FAU-USP e processos participativos na formulação de políticas públicas urbanas. Tem Mestrado Acadêmico em Sociologia e Especialização em Gestão Pública e Gerência de Cidades (2001) pela UNESP-FCLAr-PPG. Licenciatura Plena e Bacharelado em Ciências Sociais pela UNESP-FCLAr. Foi presidente da ONG Araraquara Viva e coordenou inúmeros projetos socioambientais que foram aprovados pelo Ministério da Cultura, Lei Rouanet. É bolsista do programa CAPES.


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